Zhilei Zhang says he felt Deontay Wilder’s power but Wilder had good cause to be concerned about what was coming back. | Photo by Richard Pelham/Getty Images

Zhilei Zhang says he was able to bait Deontay Wilder into his trap and that’s when he took full advantage.

Following Zhilei Zhang’s emphatic win over Deontay Wilder over the weekend, the heavyweight spoke to Fight Hub TV to react to what transpired in the ring and how his tactics proved to best the former heavyweight titleholder.

Zhang on his reaction to beating Wilder

“I feel really good. This is one for myself in the ring, and this is also for the team…All around great fight (Wilder), I give him a lot of respect. His power is still there and he hit me with a couple shots and I felt it, but I was the better man.

“I was able to stay cool, calm and collected (under fire). I was patient, that’s the key. I was cutting the ring off and pushing him into the corner, at the same time I was mentally causing his nervousness and he’s worried about my power too. So I believe patience was the key today.”

On how he set Wilder up for the knockout

“I was using a lot of feints to set it up. I know he was going to punch with me or counterpunch me, so I used a lot of feints in the fight. I believe he was into my trap so that’s how I set it up.”

On Wilder believing the fight shouldn’t have been stopped when it was

“I think after that eight count when the ref went to nine he got up, but at the same time mentally, he’s not there. And if the fight continue it’s going to cause more damage. I think the ref did the right thing.”

On what this win over Wilder means for him going forward

“I have options. I have the Joe Parker rematch, AJ doesn’t have an opponent yet.”

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